Family Medicine - continuity of care in all of the medical disciplines including pulmonology, cardiology, gastroenterology, gynecology, urology, neurology, orthopedics, dermatology, infectious disease, endocrinology, pediatrics, hematology, otorhinolaryngology(ENT) and sports medicine.
Integrative Medicine - defined as a combination of the following:
Physical Medicine - Exercise physiology, musculoskeletal manipulation and biomechanical techniques to treat musculoskeletal complaints and prevent degenerative diseases.
Nutritional Sciences - The use of bioactive food components to prevent and treat disease. Treatments are derived from evidence based nutritional biochemistry.
Lifestyle Changes - Achieving ideal weight, prevention of cardiovascular disease, increasing longevity, preventing degenerative diseases and cognitive decline.
Preventive Medicine - Annual exams with labs and diagnostics as indicated.
Cancer Chemoprevention - Derived from evidence based nutritional biochemistry.
Pharmacology/Surgery - Utilized only when necessary. Standard medical care based on evidence based medicine is applied to those in need.